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A sparring partner is still helpful today, but not absolutely necessary.

After you defined your target groups yesterday, the next step is to determine what problems these people have, which ones haven’t yet been solved sufficiently, and a solution for which these people are willing to pay money.

For this purpose, you should first concentrate on the target group that you consider most attractive for your self-employment.

Here is your task for today:

On more Post-its, write down your assumptions about your target group’s problems, the ones you want to solve. Collect as many as possible until you can’t think of anymore. Then, start to sort them by meaning and, if necessary, combine some of them to higher-level problems or divide problems into sub-problems.

The second part of the task:

At the end, select the three to five most compelling problems (from your point of view) and stick the Post-its on your Extended Canvas. Now, summarize these top problems into a general problem for the target group. Write this on a separate Post-it, which also goes as a headline in the box “Customers’ Problems.”

If you’ve identified other attractive target groups in addition to the one you identified the previous day, then apply the same process to them. The problems and needs may be slightly different for these target groups that need to be considered and addressed separately. In this way, one to three parallel business ideas will emerge, and you can decide at a later stage which ones you’d like to explore further.